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Unique, free, educational tests.

Derived from the latest psychological studies.

Unavailable anywhere else on the internet.

You might consider them the precursor to human evil, others a competitive advantage in the business world. This test gives you a detailed hierarchical breakdown of your Dark Dyad and Narcissisic traits using the latest facet and trait-level analysis.
The HEXACO Honesty-Humility Scale is the Dark Dyad's virtuous counterpart, measuring sincerity, fairness, greed-avoidance, and modesty. High scorers are more likeable, but low scorers have higher incomes, more power, and greater creativity.
The Triarchic Psychopathy Model is the industry-standard model. It breaks down psychopathy into Boldness, Disinhibition and Meanness with detailed subscales. What subtype are you?
The Tchao Six-Factor Psychopathy Spectrum gives you a nuanced, colourful visualisation of the different personality sub-spectra impacting the presentation of psychopathy.
If you'd like to take the original trait-by-trait psychopathy test that I used to construct the above test click here. 315 people have taken it over the last week already but more is better.
Conscientiousness is a trait worth $600,000 by the time you turn 60. Luckily, it's a skill you can practice. This test measures every subcomponent of your conscientiousness and gives you a report on your strengths and weaknesses.
The HEXACO Emotionality Scale is associated with depression, relationship problems, and reduced quality of life satisfaction. Unusual scores can indicate a serious mental illness. How high do you score on it?
One in ten people have a clinical personality disorder. Do you? The CAT Personality Disorder Scale scans for 33 different dysfunctional personality-patterns at the same time. If there's something wrong, but you can't put your finger on it, this might help.
The Multifaceted Narcissistic Personality Inventory divides narcissism into five distinct factors and gives you a report on each.

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are often called "anal-retentives", "perfectionists" or "neat-freaks". It's the most common PD, often found in top corporate executives, and most never realise they have it until it causes them problems.
The International Interpersonal Circumplex plots a unique pattern of your interpersonal style on two axes: dominance and warmth, and tells you what your type is.
The Cult Indoctrination Susceptibility Scale measures how psychologically susceptible you might be to being targeted and indoctrinated by a predatory cult.
The Relationship Styles Test gives you a primary and secondary relationship-orientation type based on patterns observed across hundreds of participants. Ask your partner/s to take it too. It might reveal something.
Those with histrionic personality disorder are often described as seducers, skilled actors, party-animals, and impulsive dare-devils. A condensed HPD test using around 10 questions is available here; a longer, detailed and more accurate test is available here.
The Maat-Isfet Morality Compass is a just-for-fun test measuring your adherence to Ancient Egyptian norms regarding morality and duty with reference to the Weighing of the Heart in the afterlife.
How manipulative are you? The Hierarchical Machiavellianism Mega-Scale is the most thorough and comprehensive Machiavellianism test online, rating you based on your each of your manipulative abilities.
The Transhumanism Political Compass is a just-for-fun test which selects a futuristic political ideology for you based on your attitudes to AI, self-modification, and bioethics.
The Dark Relationship Styles Short Test is an ultra-compressed test representing the darker side of relationships.
There are more psychopaths in the boardroom than there are in Broadmoor. The Adaptive Psychopathic Traits Questionnaire measures the positive side of psychopathy, including leadership, focus, and rational thinking.
Existential pangs? The Multi-Religious Virtue Calculator shows you your rough standing in several global religions based on your actions and their virtues.
What really motivates you? The Motivational Disposition Test shows you what your most powerful motivators are and how to take advantage of them.
The Vulnerable Dark Triad consists of borderline, secondary psychopathic, and vulnerable narcissist traits, all of which are connected to one another.
The Mini-test Series distills the most highly factor-loaded questions from other, long-form scales into a series of miniature tests.